Sunday, June 7, 2009

30 years of marriage!!

Genesis 2:24 For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will beome one flesh.

It's hard to believe that Mike and I celebrated thirty years of marriage this week! How would a 19 and 22 yr old have been able to even guess where they would end up 30 yrs later?

We are so grateful for the gift that marriage is. Grateful to both sets of parents who modeled love and faithfulness in marriage to us.

We spent the day at the office with staff meetings and then found a steakhouse (quite rare here in Greece) for dinner. We waited to go to eat till 8 pm but still were almost the only people in the restaurant!

One interesting thing, a new friend asked me, what was it that used to get on my nerves about my husband in the earlier days, and I couldn't remember a thing! Does God erase our memories as we grow older in marriage together or just use the early struggles to bind us so closely together? Either way, I am so grateful for my dear husband and his incredible love and friendship over all these years!

A word of encouragement for other marriages: keep on working at it, it is the best, an incredible gift from God and a lasting heritage to our children.

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