Wednesday, December 31, 2014


We had a perfect ending to our 7+ years of ministry in Greece.

We had such mixed feelings as we left; great joy as we reflected back on all God had done and deep sadness to say goodbye to great friends and a growing ministry.  Our goodbyes were seasoned with laughs and tears just as you would expect

We take with us some very special memories of our visits the last week with the girls who had lived in The Hope Center (THC). We were able to see both the girls and their children. It was so rewarding to see the vision a reality before our eyes, two little children who were saved from abortion.

We also were able to meet the children of our Hope Center houseparents who had been separated from their parents for the last six years. They were able to visit Greece for the first time in Decemeber and it was so fun for us to be part of the welcoming committee and to see this family reunited.

And finally, we are excited that another HM co-worker has joined THC team. Sara Schwartz has been working with us since the summer and it encourages us to see that God takes care of His ministry and that He will supply all that is needed to see His work accomplished. 

As you know, we have been called out of Greece and we are pursuing working alongside a national church, in mentoring and discipleship somewhere in Mexico and/or Central America, beginning in early 2015.

In the meantime, Hellenic Ministries will
 continue processing the financial gifts you send on our behalf until the time we have a new mission selected so you are able to continue giving as normal through them. 

More news on our transition in the next posting.

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