Mike and I are living in Wheaton and preparing for our return back to Greece. We are busy trying to catch up with life in the States and to reconnect with family and friends. We're finding that transition time is not so much fun....too many uncertainties, but we see no other way through it than to just keep taking one step at a time and to keep trusing God. There is much to do regarding shipping of furniture, obtaining resident visas, getting overseas health insurance etc. and we are trying to make good use of the time He's given us.
Our biggest news is that we are waiting for an adoptive grandson that is to be born May 20th and placed with our daughter Missy and her husband Paul who live in Colorado. The timing of this grandson's birth would seem to facilitate a change in our departure date from April to perhaps some time in June. We wait with expectant hearts to see a new family born for Mis and Paul.
We are starting to get the word out that we are seeking people and churches to partner with us as we minister in Greece through both financial and prayer support. This is another time of waiting on the Lord and watching expectantly for Him to supply all that is needed.
The challenges before us are big, but so is our God. Please pray for us to be patient and trusting as we wait on Him!